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  16 August 2022
Use WPFunnels With Form Builders & PayForms (without WooCommerce)

There are great form builders and payforms such as Fluentforms or WPPayForm which has payment support via stripe.

If someone has only 3-5 products on his website, then installing WooCommerce is too much. We can rather use payments via these form plugins.

  17 March 2022
Embedable Video Funnels for WordPress

This will be a great addition if we can create Video Funnels that we can embed on our website.

We have been using the Video funnels for some clients created using Videoask more details here -->

The videos are small 30sec to 3min video which can be self hosted or uploaded on wistia/vimeo etc. The admin can embed this videos on any page / post or make it available everywhere on site. 

When video widget is click it plays the video & admin can define the flow next steps via wpfunnels & action buttons to take a lead or redirect to checkout etc.

There can be several workarounds for this as well as WP offers many options for content management.

If you like it please add it to your roadmap.


  On roadmap
  19 October 2022
Wishlist Member Integration

It would be nice to have integration with WishlistMember.

There is a lot we can do with WPFunnels and these plugins, hope to see something soon

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This was asked by another person and you have stated that it is on the roadmap already. But, on the roadmap is only the Learndash integration and not FluentCRM nor Whishlist Members. Please, consider to add therefore Whishlist Members asap. Thanks!

  New idea
  14 February 2022
Pre-Purchase Upsells

Allow the creation of pre-purchase upsells.

Examples are:

- adding a gift card and / or gift wrap

- adding complementary products, e.g. a refill

- adding a subscription


I’ve seen a feature on Cartflows that could be added to this plugin. 

This feature is having a pop-up appearing with an offer right after the user clicks on the button to buy the product on the checkout. 

The difference between this and a upsell is that with this feature the second product is added BEFORE the purchase is made. 

In summary, after the users accepts the offer, the second product is added to the cart and then the user is charged for the total amount. 

This is helpful on cases where the payment gateway doesn’t support one-click-upsells, which is my case. 

  07 February 2024
Malaysian Local Payment Gateway [Urgent/ASAP Request in GetWPFunnels]

Request / Please integrate module these of local payment gateway : ( Malaysian Related ) 

here attached some API and Sandbox for your team Reference Build these of integration as ASAP.

1. Bizappay Payment Gateway –

2. SecurePay Payment Gateway –


3. Toyyibpay Payment Gateway –

4. Billplz Payment Gateway –

5. Raudah Payment Gateway –


New submission