Can I set up swatches in Product Options?

  • Swatches are available in our free plan
  • Here’s how you configure the swatches in the app: 1. Go to the App Dashboard
    2. Click on the Add New option
    3. Fill in the details like Display Name, Unique Name, etc. While choosing the type, make sure you select the Swatches option.
    4. Add the Values and select the color your want to show as the options in the color swatches.
    5. You can also select 2 colors under one swatch as per your requirement.
    6. Add additional charges (if any) under the Adjust Charge.
    7. You can also select an image to display in the swatch
    8. Now, go to the Dashboard and create an Option Set.
    9. Save your settings & view in your storefront.

Can I use negative numbers in Product Options?

  • If you’d like to display negative values in an option, you may use jQuery in Advanced JS block in order to achieve this

Please contact us if you need assistance with advanced coding.