New feature
3 years ago

Recharge integration

Hello there!

We are excited to announce that our app is now integrated with Recharge!

This means you can simply copy our script and paste it into the Recharge script editor, and our Post Purchase NPS app widget will be visible in the checkout page.

You just need this code snippet, and that's it

window.HulkAppsPPS = {
is_recharge: true,
first_name: "{{first_name}}",
last_name: "{{last_name}}",
email: "{{email}}",
order_id: "{{id}}"

var HulkAppsPPSScript = document.createElement('script');
HulkAppsPPSScript.src = "";

Awesome, right?

Stay tuned for new updates, and don't forget to let us know about other great features you would like to see in our Post Purchase Survey app. You can add and upvote your favourite ideas on our Roadmap!

We are delighted to see  our merchant thrive, and will do anything we can to make it happen!

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Core Integrations
21 July 2022

Recharge Integration

New feature
10 May 2022

New integration: Looped in

The biggest goal for us here at HulkApps is to make our merchants’ lives easier and their businesses more successful. We have made that process more straightforward after years of adding features according to the merchants’ inputs with our Public Roadmaps!
This new integration comes with a high number of features.

  1. Public Roadmaps:
    You can now see our planned updates, features, integrations, etc. If you see something you wish to be done sooner, we encourage you to vote and leave comments on those features.

  2. Ideas section:
    If you need an unplanned feature or have an excellent idea for one of our apps, feel free to submit the concept - we promise we will do our best to deliver.

  3. Updates and articles:
    Each new update or piece of relevant information will be posted in our updates and articles area. Changelogs have been upgraded.

Bottom line:

We value your feedback and try hard to deliver the best possible results to our merchants; many great features are coming, so don’t miss them.
