The customer would like the ability to put a soft timer on course steps when the student is progressing the course, which is not visible to the students/users. The soft timer, once up, will intimate the instructors, and the instructors can get in touch with the student, asking them regarding any difficulties they're facing while moving ahead in the course.
Customer's Context:
We are an RTO and run online courses via Zoom but have our student complete their work via LearnDash, what we are finding are that students / users are struggling with the content but they are not voicing up and asking for help. They do some of the questions in the activity but then sit on it and don't submit the activity until later. Our instructors can partially monitor the situation based what activity the class is up to and what students have submitted. However some classes are quite large and the instructor is grading what has been submitted and does not have time to monitor if students hasn't submitted anything or if students are keeping up with the class.
My question is there a way to monitor or track to see how a student is progressing even if they haven't submitted anything? If a student is struggling it would be great if the instructor was notified by LearnDash and then the instructor can talk to them before they are left behind. It is more of a proactive way rather than a reactive as we can address the problem before it gets worse. There are a lot of solutions and reports for checking once they are submitted but that is more reactive and only if the student has submitted work. I am trying to think of solutions to this problem, I’ll explain them below. I am happy if anyone have any ideas please let me know.
One solution that could work is to place a soft time limit option on the activity. When an user goes over the soft time limit rather than auto submitting the activity it sends the instructor an email notification that an user has gone over the soft time limit. We can set appropriate soft time limits on activities. It would be good if we can make the soft time limit not visible to the user or can toggle visibility off and on. We will need the soft time limit to countdown behind the scenes and keep counting down even if the user has navigated away from the activity. An option we would like it if instructors can manually start the soft time limit for the activity so that all students have similar time limits.
Another solution could be that instructors do like a soft sign off on activities as the lesson progresses. Any students that haven’t submitted that activity, the instructor will get an email notification letting them know what student(s) haven’t submitted that activity. Can be done as a list or visually so that instructors know who hasn’t submitted after the soft sign off.
Another possible solution is to see in real time what students are typing into the fields.
These are just some ideas but if anyone have any ideas that can work I would like to hear them and hopefully we can get them implemented. As mentioned it is mainly for the instructor to proactively approach any students that are struggling rather than students approach instructors before it’s too late.
If you have any questions for me please let me know.
Thank you,
Currently we are having to manually keep track and remove users from the certificate group after two years.
In a recent update have seen that group access is being improved so really hope that this feature is prioritised