This method can help you to upload multiple Providers' information at once. You can create new Providers by uploading an Excel file.

Step 1: Choose Providers > Choose the provider by transportation mode > Choose Upload excel file.

Step 2: On the page, screen Upload the excel file you choose Download template to download a template. 

Step 3: Input the provider's information into the sample file, NAME is required.

Step 4: After inputting the information into the file, you choose Upload file > Choose a file/or drag and drop the file (1) >  click Next (2)

Step 5: Map the fields

The screen Map fields will have two tabs: Auto assign and Manual assign values

A. Choose Map fields by Auto-assign: it will automatically map fields the data.

The map fields screen will divide into information areas: the left column Column Heading is the title column - the first row downloaded from the excel file, and the right column Tariff Item is the system's data.

Your mission is to choose the right Tariff item on the right to match the title column Column Heading on the left.

When you use the correct format, the system will automatically match these fields and you don't have to choose again. To save, you choose Save as a template in the right corner of the screen and naming. By this saving, in the next update, you can use it by choosing From a saved template and choosing the name that you saved before.

B. Choose the Map fields by Manual assign values: to map fields the data manually if you want to be sure.

The map fields screen divides into three information fields: the first column Column Heading is the title column - the first row loaded from the excel file, the second column Tariff Item is the data on the system, and the third column Map fields values. 

Your mission is to choose the correct Tariff item the second column matches with the title of the first Column Heading, then checkbox the Map fields values you want to create manually. 

The screen page Map fields values will show up, you will manually input the Tariff value that matches with a Field value that you believe is the most certain: 

A quick tip: If this is the first time you update the Rate to the system from an excel file, then after matching the data, you can save this action. The system will save the fields that match each other. When you use the correct format, the system will automatically match these fields and you don't have to choose again. To save, you choose Save as a template in the right corner of the screen and naming. By this saving, in the next update, you can use it by choosing From a saved template and choosing the name that you saved before.

Finally, click the Import button to upload.

Step 6: Checking

After adding the file, the system will show the notification if the uploaded file is successful or not. 

The picture belows is a successful case

* Note: the system will verify if the company's tax number, company name, and Provider ID are duplicated, it will show a notification and if you want to continue or not, click "Force Save" to continue and click "Cancel" to cancel the creation. 

You can check Import History on the board at the right.