• Synthesis of all Receivables to this page, help you synthesize all the client's Receivables by each shipment.
  • Make a Receipt record of Receivables for clients, one or many invoices on the system...
  • Export invoices to excel files to import to accounting software
  • Alert each receivable due date or overdue, paid based on the system’s status
  • Note: The Receivable here is synthesized after making an invoice from Debit Note in the “feature Tab Revenue” in shipment. You can read the guideline (How to read a Profit & Loss report of a shipment)

1. Check the Revenues

Step 1: (1) Choose Accounting> (2) Tab Revenues

Step 2: Choose the time filter in the red box (Note: this is the time of the data that creates the invoice on the system): check the records by day, month, year, or anytime.

Step 3: Besides, the system also has other different filters. Example: filter by ETD; ETA; Bill To (customer); Date Invoice (the date created the invoice); Bill No. (bill number)...

Click the tunnel icon to filter:

2. How to make a Receipt record of Revenues for the client on the system

2.1  How to make a Receipt record for one invoice: 

Step 1: Use the filter to search for the record you want to make a receipt record

Step 2: (1) Choose the checkbox into the invoice you want to clear > (2) in the Action choose to Make Receipt Record

Step 3: The Make Receipt Record window opens: Explaining the fields as below:

  • Recipient type (receive from who): the system already loads Customer, if you want to choose other recipients you can choose in the list: Provider; Custom
  • Select Lead/ Client: the system automatically loads the name of the client, if you want to choose other clients, you can choose from the list:
  • PIC: the person who is in charge of the client. 
  • Receipt date: The date you receive the receipt 
  • Amount: the system already loaded the amount of money that client paid.
  • Payment Method
  • Description: input the description (if you need)
  • Note: input the note (if you need)
  • Attachment: attached the file (if you need)
  • Save: click “Save” to finish.

2.2  How to make a Receipt record for many invoices: 

To make Receipt records for multiple invoices, these invoices must have the same Client and have an unpaid status ( SENT and OVERDUE)

Step 1: (1) Use the filter to search many invoices, Example:

(2) Bill To: Choose the client's name.

The system will load invoices has the same condition as you just filtered.

Step 2: (1) Click the checkbox into all the invoices you just filtered> (2) in Action > (3) choose Make Receipt Record

Step 3: In the window “Make Receipt Record” input information as step 2 in 2.1

3. Export Excel files to import to accounting software

You need to let Freightek know which accounting software your company is using, so the tech apartment can install the software before using it.

You can also export an excel file for one or many invoices at the same time as below:

Step 1: Use the filter to find the invoice you want to export the file 

Step 2: (1) Checkbox into invoices you want to export file; (2) Choose Action Export Excel

Step 3: In the window “Export invoice data” choose to display: HBL; MBL; Booking or Clearance Number to download

Step 4: Use the excel file just downloaded to import into the accounting software

4 . Statuses of the receipt record

SENT: the invoice isn’t paid yet

PAID: the invoice is paid

PARTIAL: the invoice is paid partially.

OVERDUE: the invoice is overdue how many days

Due Date: showing how many days are left to pay the invoice