Enabling the Easy Redirect application when you are you using a 2.0 Theme is pretty straightforward!

Follow these steps to enable Easy Redirects on your store:

  1. In Shopify, go to "Online Store"

  2. After that, click on "Themes"

  3. On your published theme, click on "Customize"


4. In the top left corner of your screen, click on the third icon "App Embeds"

5. Enable both Easy Redirects app embeds: "Easy Redirects" & "Easy Redirects 404 Page"

6. Last step is to click on the "Save" button in the top right of your screen.

Congratulations! Easy Redirects will be enabled on your Online Store 2.0 theme. 🎉
If you are having difficulties with this installation method, please check out this article and manual installation steps.

If you don’t feel like installing the application yourself, feel free to contact our friendly support team and they will do it for you.
You can also schedule a meeting with our Product Manager here.