Feel free to watch this video tutorial for Bulk Uploads.

If you're migrating from one platform to another or to a different brand or domain, you want to maintain as much of your hard-earned traffic as possible.


Follow the steps below in order to upload your redirects straight into our app: 

1. Create a "CSV" spreadsheet file of your desired redirects using any common spreadsheet program (we recommend Google Sheets). 

You can use our free template as a guide. Your spreadsheet should have path URLs in the first column and target URLs in the second column. Each row contains a single redirect.  

The third column is optional and allows you to group your redirects for later reference in the app.

Path URL

Target URL







Vanity URLs



  • If you include a header row at the top of your CSV, this will be ignored.
  • If you're using Excel, make sure you save your file as '.csv' and not '.xlsx'.
  • Excel struggles to export valid CSVs containing non-English characters. Please contact our support for more information.
  • Groupings are optional - leave blank to leave the redirect ungrouped.
2. In the app, click on "Simple Redirects"

3. Click on the "Bulk Upload Redirects" tab.
4. Upload the CSV file containing your redirects and let Easy Redirects work its magic. 🪄

Redirects ignored? 🙁

In the list of completed redirects, you may see that some redirects have been ignored. These specific redirects have been unsuccessful.

You can download a CSV with these invalid redirects and the reason they've been ignored by clicking on the redirect job (shown above) and then clicking the "Download ignored"button.

The reasons are listed in the third column of the CSV, like in this example:


Getting a 'to path' is invalid error?

This error means a redirect with the same path URL already exists. You can only create one redirect for a path URL.


However, there is an option to overwrite existing redirects that have the same path or "Redirect From" URL by simply selecting the checkbox below.


Other common reasons for invalid redirects

  • Make sure the path URL is an inactive link (leads to a 404 page).
  • The path URL must include a '/' at the start.
  • The path URL cannot be "hard coded".
  • Make sure the target URL is an active link.
  • If the target URL links to a page on the same domain, use a relative URL that includes a '/' at the start.
  • If the target URL links to a different website, make sure you're using a full URL.

If you are still having troubles, feel free to contact our friendly support team and they will do it for you.

You can also schedule a meeting with our Product Manager here