Progress tracker is an indispensable guide, allowing you to view the phases of the project and which parts have been completed. It provides a real-time visual representation of a project’s current status.

The progress tracker is designed to show the last completed phase on the left side, with the active phase in the middle, and the upcoming phases on the right side. The number of items completed out of the total items in that phase is displayed in blue.

To modify the scheduled items within each phase, all you need to do is click on the progress bar. From there, you have the flexibility to adjust the dates, mark an item as complete, or easily delete it.

 - Phase has been not started yet.

 - Indicates the number of items completed vs total items in that phase.

- Phase has been completed.

- Start date/End date of the project.

Beneath the icons, the names of the phases and their respective start-end dates are displayed. Clicking on any of these icons will expand the view to reveal all the scheduled items within that particular phase. Here, you can easily track the completion percentages and even mark all the items as completed. 

Upon clicking on a phase within the progress tracker, whether on the main dashboard or inside a project, a sidebar will open, granting you the capability to perform various actions such as marking as complete, editing, or deleting.


By selecting "Edit", it will open a new modal for editing the schedule item.

If you wish to hide the phase dates that are displayed on the progress tracker from specific users, you can easily do so by accessing the Role Settings. Simply navigate to "Users" and then select "Roles," where you will find the option to switch off the visibility of phase dates for those particular users.