To create schedule templates, click on the profile icon located in the top-right corner of the page. From the list of options, select "Default Settings."

Within the Default Settings, navigate to the "Schedule Template" option and click on it. 

You will then be presented with a list of existing templates, with the "Add Template" button located above them. Click on the "Add Template" button to create a new schedule template.

In the newly opened modal, enter the template name and click on the "Create" button to generate the new template. Once the template is created, you can proceed to add phases or items to it.

From the opened dashboard, you can add phase to your template by clicking on "Add Phase" button. 

Change the template name by clicking on the pencil icon:

By default, your phase will have 1 work day. For changing it, you have to add items to phase.

Click on three dots, then "Add Item" for adding a new item:

This will open a new modal, where you can enter the item's name, select the phase to which you want to connect the item, and select start day by entering the delay days numbers and enter the work days number:

Your template will be applied based on the start date of your project. Non-work days are ignored, per your Work Days settings. 

The template goes by "Days" relatively to the start of the project, not a specific start/end date since it's a template.

Start Day - days relative to the start date of the project. Start Day of 0 would be the first day.

If you need to change the phase name, just click on the dots, then  "Edit":

You are also able to clone any existing template and modify it. This will help speed things up and not start from scratch. For that, go to the Schedule Template listing and select the template, then click on "Clone":

Now, when you have the cloned template, click on "Edit" to modify it:

Click on "Set as Default" if you what to make that template a default one for future projects.