Find the full data logs for pending, failed and previously triggered Back in Stock notifications.

How to view requested notifications (subscriptions)

Follow the steps below and view the screenshot as a guide:

  1. From your in-app admin console, click on Notifications > Pending, and it goes to pending to see the full list of customer notification requests. 

  2. You can also see data on the products they're interested in as well as the date and time they requested a notification.

  3. You can filter by date and by notification channel.

  4. You can filter and export this data to a CSV file by clicking on the Export button.

  5. You can also delete individual subscriptions using the provided buttons.


How to view failed notifications

If you navigate to the Failed tab, you can also view notifications that weren't sent. 

  1. From your in-app admin console, click on Notifications > Failed to see a list of your failed notifications.
  2. You can also view data on the products for which notifications couldn't be sent. This could be due to either running out of SMS tokens or reaching your plan limit.
  3. You can filter by date and by notification channel.
  4. You can filter and export this data to a CSV file by clicking on the Export button.
  5. You can also delete individual failed notifications using the provided buttons.

How to view sent notifications (notification logs)

Viewing the list of previously sent notifications requires the same process as viewing requested notifications, but this data is located in the Sent tab.


  1. From your in-app admin console, click on Notification > Sent to see the full list of sent Back in Stock notifications. 

  2. You can also view data on the products they were interested in as well as the date and time they requested a notification.

  3. You can filter by date and by notification channel.

  4. You can filter and export this data to a CSV file by clicking on the Export button.


If you are still having troubles, feel free to contact our friendly support team and they will do it for you.

You can also schedule a meeting with our Product Manager here.