Quickly enable/disable automatic notifications and trigger your Back in Stock notifications manually.

Enabling manual notifications can be ideal if you want to wait for an additional restock shipment or for a specific day or time to inform your customers of a restock. 🕰

For example, if you restock inventory overnight, you can increase your conversion rate by waiting to notify your customers during the day. ☀️

First, you need to disable automatic notifications:

  1. In your Back in Stock app, go to Settings.

  2. Navigate to Delivery Policies at the top of the page.

  3. Click on the Disable button to disable automatic notifications.


When you are ready to trigger notifications ensure the inventory quantity for your chosen product is greater than 0 and follow steps 4 and 5 below:


   4. Navigate to the Products tab and select the product(s) you wish to send notifications for.

   5. Select your restocked product and click on Send notifications.



Here, you can also delete notifications or refresh products if you want to update the title, variant title or image of the product(s) with any new information available.

Once you confirm, and provided your inventory quantity is greater than 0, the app will trigger your pending notifications for your chosen products. 🎉


Now put your feet up and watch the money come rolling in. 💸

If you are still having troubles, feel free to contact our friendly support team and they will do it for you.

You can also schedule a meeting with our Product Manager here.