First, we need to make sure the app is correctly installed on your theme. You should have been presented with installation instructions when you first installed Back in Stock, but you will have to re-install the app if you've recently changed the theme.
Is the app installed correctly?
If you haven't installed the app on your theme, visit the Help and Installation tab in your app and follow the installation instructions. If you run into trouble or your theme isn't supported by the auto-installer, we will install it for you for free.
Similarly, if you have recently changed your theme, Back in Stock will have to be installed on your new theme. Follow the simple instructions in the Help and Installation tab, or contact us and we'll do it for you.
If you've followed the installation process successfully, the app will be set up and ready to go. ✅
How do I test if it's working?
You can impersonate a customer by requesting and receiving a notification on a test product. Follow the steps below to do this:
Check an out-of-stock product page to see if the widget appears. (If it doesn't, the app may not be installed correctly, so contact us for support.)
Fill in your email to request a test notification.
View the Notifications page in your app to confirm your notification request has been registered.
Restock the product with 1 unit (inventory must be greater than 0).
Allow 1-2 hours for the notification to be sent if automatic notifications are enabled, or trigger it manually.
View the Notification page and click on the Sent tab in your app to confirm your notification has been sent.
Check your emails to ensure the notification has come through.
Congratulations! 🎉 If you followed the steps above without any hiccups, Back in Stock is now ready to start recovering lots of sales for your store.
Tip: If the app is working correctly but you don't like the visual appearance, you can customize the design of your product page widget and notification templates.
If you are still having troubles, feel free to contact our friendly support team and they will do it for you.